Saturday, July 12, 2008


According to wikipedia, "Poutine" is a "dish consisting of French Fries topped with fresh cheese curds, covered with brown BBQ chicken gravy and sometimes other additional ingredients.

It tastes exactly like you think it would. In fact I can feel my heart slowing down just thinking about it. This is one heavy dish (much like Tony Stewart) not for those with heart conditions (probably much like Tony Stewart too).

The fries were hot and freshly cooked. They had a seasoned crunchy outside and a hot tasty inside... the cheese was most likely a generic shredded mozzarella and the brown stuff seemed to be a beef gravy of sorts. I'd totally recommend that you try the dish if you've never had it, and heck the Mosport version is pretty good.

On a side note, the Mountain Dew in Canada is caffeine free.

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